Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Everyone knows what this icon is for.


I have had a Pinterest page for a few years now. It started off with a few 'well chosen' categories. I made sure that each pin was in the right place and commented on it.   One day, I realized I couldn't keep up with the repins and the follows and comments - something needed to change before I lost 'pinterest' in the whole thing.
Now, I pin, I follow, I comment, sometimes, but mostly, I indulge in the wonderful 'window shopping' feel of adding to my page.  
As time goes by, I notice, more and more, that these pages are kind of like little personality profiles. They speak volumes about the Pinner.   If you look at mine, you know that bees, dogs, beautiful house things, books, Art Deco anything green, illustrations, and on and on are some of my favorite things to pin.  
I love getting email that says someone is following me, or pinned one of my pins.  Going to visit their sites I find that often, they have the same tastes and interests as me.  Other times, I don't know how we crossed paths, but I attribute it to that little streak of ' bizarre' in myself.  

If you want to visit my Pinterest page - you can do so by clicking on the link below -


Do you have a Pinterest page you would like to share?


  1. I haven't been pinning for awhile, but after visiting your page, I'm inspired to do more. You've got some interesting boards. I especially like self-portraits. I forgot about the pearl in the Prell. Always wanted to try that. Here's my link, if you're interested -- https://www.pinterest.com/susieeemac/
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  2. Pinterest ~ yes, I can get lost for hours if I allow myself to. Happy to find your boards and am now following many, including all your bee boards. You and I have a common thread running through many of our boards. You can find me at hyacinths2 on Pinterest. Not sure how I've missed your alphabet posts, but I think I have. I'm going back to check now.

  3. Am not an active user but when i do log in it is easy to loose track of time.
