Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Oh oh Ominous oh!

oh-oh - 

    Oh-oh is defined as another way of saying uh-oh, which is something people say when they've made a mistake, something bad has happened or might happen.
    1. An example of oh-oh is what a child would say when a parent walks in on them drawing on the wall.
    2. An example of oh-oh is what someone would say when they hear a friend has tripped and hurt themself.
    YourDictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2015 by LoveToKnow CorpOh-oh.  Two syllables, uttered by a child, which are sure to bring parents to a halt - with visions of all types of awful in their heads.My favorite oh-oh memory occurred when my son was about 3 years old.  We were in a rush to get to an appointment.  I buckled him into his car seat. Ran back into the kitchen to get something, came out got in the car and proceeded to back out o the garage.  There was a awful sound of metal and crunching, I slammed on the brake, and looked at Elliott in the rearview mirror.  His eyes were very wide and he looked at me and said 'Oh-oh', then looked at the gaping space where the car door used to be. (I had forgotten to close the door in my rush.)  Jumping out of the car, I walked around to the door, picked it up, put it into the trunk.  Got back in the car and Elliott said with great seriousness 'Mom, you broke the car.'  Needless to say, we were late for our appointment.What was a favorite oh-oh memory of your child or children?


  1. What a sweet post ~ love the 'oh, oh!' ~ Am sure I had a few from my son when he was growing up ~ recently, though, I got an 'oh,oh!' look from my little doggie as she knew she had done something wrong ~ so that is my recent tale ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  2. Cute story! My latest oh, oh moment was leaving the hose running out in the garden, only to discover it much later than I want to admit. '-)

  3. Oh-oh you broke the car!
    Quite an interesting tale.

  4. Oh-oh. Now and then when I feel mischievous, I say oh-oh, which always makes someone look around to see what I may have done. Usually, I haven't done anything. I know the girl who called wolf.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  5. My oh oh moments are usually when I realise how late it is and I'm still at the computer instead of tucked up in bed. Love the pic.
